Not long after moving to Southeast Kansas, I had an experience with a rabbit which I will not forget! I was not hunting at the time but I and my wife were returning from a trip to the mall i a larger community. We saw a pair of rabbits sitting in the road and as we approached I slowed to all them to get off the road. The smaller of the pair did run into the ditch but the larger rabbit stood her, at least I assume a female, ground. The rabbit began to jump straight up and in two jumps that rabbit was windshield high; attacking this thing, a 1995 Chev, coming to kill her and her baby. Now that is an attitude! This rabbit chose the wrong time to have an attitude but yet I have to respect her attitude of her ability to fight this two ton beast!
This passage calls us to have the same attitude or mindset as Christ. The attitude is one of while knowing who He was Christ was willing to give up the godhead in order for us to have salvation.
What are you willing to give up so someone can find salvation? Time? Money? Reputation? Position in society? Your/my pew in church? The style of worship we prefer? The way the worship center/sanctuary looks? For whom are we willing to die? For what are you (or I) willing to die?
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