Wednesday, June 4, 2014

More Thoughts From the Old Man

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.   Ask G*d to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.   1 Timothy 2:1

There is something this old man has learned over his years; that is it is hard to hate, dislike or do harm in any way some one for whom I am praying.  I would suggest that this is true for anyone who begins to pray for those around them. Then add to that the fact that the next instruction is "ASK G*D TO HELP THEM" we are going to G*d asking G*d to help people; does it matter what activities they are involved?      Whether they are in our opinion sinning or not WE are asking for our Daddy to help them. 

We are also to intercede for them.  This means we have to have deeper knowledge of them than just a two ships passing in the night; WE must get to know a person to intercede for them.   According to Merriam-Webster intercede means  "to try to help settle an argument or disagreement between two or more people or groups : to speak to someone in order to defend or help another person".  Does this sound like a passive thing?

Now "Give thanks for ALL PEOPLE"  I do not know about you but there are some people for whom I am not all that thankful!  Yet G*d tells me I have to give thanks for them.   I wonder if that is as I give thanks for them as instructed, I WILL TRULY BECOME THANKFUL?

Just a few thoughts for you to ponder as you wander!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Here's a thought!!

Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.   Romans 12:9 (NLT)
How often do we pretend we love those around us?   Whether  that be part of the Body of Christ we live in or be it the followers of Jesus we see daily or the Not-Yet-Christians G*d puts in our path; how do they know that we truly love them?
Let us seek our Father so the Abba can teach us to love others as our Heavenly Father loves us!

Friday, March 7, 2014

More wondering by this Old Man

Publish [G*d's] glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things [G*d] does.  ~ 1 Chronicles 16:24, NLT
This was today's K-Love radio verse of the day.  It made me wonder if we are good at "publishing the glorious deeds of G*d" in our own community, let alone among the nations!   I have to ask myself, as well as you good readers, what we are doing to get out to the people we know what G*d is doing in our life?  How much as we talking (publishing) what amazing things G*d is doing in our day to day life?
Let us make an effort to publish (talk about) G*d's deed in our life and tell about the amazing things G*d does for us.